Naturalists | 10.14.24
Angela Rodriguez
Nocs Naturalists

Introduce yourself and what you’re up to these days?
My name is Angela Rodriguez but I go by Ang (@anggeventure) on socials. I’m a 28 year old Latina-American living on the Central Coast of California with my partner of 10 years and two cats. I enjoy spending most of my free time outside in nature, trying a new hobby, or with friends and family.
We’re curious, why and when did your journey towards being in the outdoors begin?
My parents always made sure to spend time outside with me growing up, and as I got older I played outdoor sports, but I would say that my true connection with nature and the outdoors began during the pandemic in 2020. Nature was one of the only spaces to safely be other than my home. The time I got to spend outside during this time reminded me how therapeutic spending time outside is and how energetically connected we are to our planet. I haven’t stopped spending time outside since.

Ok, what’s your favorite go-to adventure in your area?
Definitely beach combing :) I love going out to the beach on a good low tide day and scanning the beach for sea glass and other treasures. Sometimes I bring my Nocs with me to watch Marine life pop in and out of the surf, it’s so fun.
Can you tell us a bit about your passions beyond “work”?
I feel like part of my purpose in life and something I also really enjoy doing when I’m not working is spending time with my family + friends and exposing different generations to different outdoor activities and spaces.

It seems like you are quite into rocks and gems! Tell us about this :)
My love for rocks and gems has been around as long as I can remember but I’m not quite sure why. I have vivid memories of looking for pretty rocks while my dad would fish, cracking rocks with a hammer to see what was inside of them, and being drawn to the little rock sections of gift shops. Something about them just always fascinated me. Now my love for rocks and gems has turned into a form of therapy, and a way for me to connect with my inner child. I love going to the beach, or a river and scanning through all of the rocks and pebbles for treasures. There are incredible spaces to rock hound and find natural gemstones all over the country. Some people take it really seriously, but I just do it for fun. It’s the best way to quiet the mind.
Do you have any “heroes" to speak of? How are you inspired?
My heroes are my parents. I know a lot of people say that, but the older I get the more I realize how admirable good parents are and how much work must go into it all. I’m forever grateful for all of the sacrifices they made for me to get to the point I'm at now. It’s crazy to think our parents are doing life for the first time just like us. I appreciate them.

What do you do when you get out and away from the office/lab/kitchen?
Backpacking, beach combing, rock Hounding, swimming in natural bodies of water. I take to nature<3
What have been your biggest challenges?
Imposter syndrome and navigating mental health in my late 20s. As I mentioned previously, we’re all just doing life for the first time, and it can definitely be hard at times, especially working in the social media space. Trends are always changing, moments can feel fleeting, and it’s easy to get lost in the overconsumption of people's lives. I get in my own head sometimes and overcoming that isn’t always easy, but getting outside always resets my soul and brings me back to a healthy place.
We’re stoked that Nocs are in your toolkit. In what situations do you find yourself grabbing your Nocs? How are they helping your craft?
I always bring my Nocs to Yosemite with me because you never know when you’re going to spot Alex Honnold.. HAHA! (I wish) Just kidding, but I seriously do love having Nocs in my pack in the park. It’s so fun to spot climbers on the granite walls and native birds swooping in and out of the trees. I always make sure to throw them in my beach bag too because I've been able to spot some really incredible marine life.

If you could describe yourself as any creature or animal, what would it be?
I’ve always thought this was a tough question! If there was an animal that loved to explore land, but also really loved being in the water.. that would be my animal. But if I had to give an answer, I would say I feel really strongly connected to Bears and Hawks in the natural world. I can identify with what they symbolize and they present themselves in my life quite often. I also really admire the Phoenix’s symbolism.
A key ingredient to building a sustainable future?
Healthy habits, the ability to self reflect and grow, and an understanding of the things that make you feel happy and good. Find those things, and do them often.